Athens, June 30, 2009

P R E S S   R E L E A S E

GEFYRES (BRIDGES, 2002-2009) is one of various annual events organized by iForce Communications for more than 8 years under the Aegis of the Institute of Development of Western Greece (INADE).

The Hellenic Government offered their support and aegis to the event via several participating ministries - the Ministry of Finance and Economy, the Ministry of Development, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Mercantile Marine, the Ministry of Public Works, Environment and Urban Planning and the Ministry of Labour. A strong alliance with the Association of European Journalists has increased the media awareness and attention to the event both domestically and internationally. The Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation (OTE) was the patron sponsor of the event. The Patras Port Authority and the Region of Western Greece were also keen sponsors. Other organisations like the Regional Development Institute of Panteion University and the Office of the European Parliament in Greece collaborated to realize the event.

Its primary mission is to ‘bridge’ multiple perspectives via the business and public communities, local authority, universities, the media and active citizens. One of the objectives is the development of the Western Greece area focusing on the quality of life, technology and the rising of the education level of the area.

A Summary of the Topics addressed within the framework of the conference, included:

• "The Growth of Western Greece-Infrastructure Works"
• "Regional Growth and New technologies"
• "Environment and Quality"
• "Tourist, Cultural and Athletic Development"
• The Contribution of Technology & Workforce for Regional Development.
• The Contribution of Education and Human Resources for Regional Development
• Regional Development and Topical Coherence as an answer to the Economic Crisis.

During its 8 year tenure (2002-2009) more than (80) VIP key- note speakers have participated and more than 2.000 delegates. An overview of these VIPs include:

H.E. Mrs. Vivianne Reading, Member of the European Commission, H.E. Mr. Andreas Lukourentzos, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education, H.E. Mrs. Sofia Kalantzakou, Under-secretary of the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection, H.E. Mrs. Anna Diamantopoulou, deputy of PA.SO.K., ex Member of the European Commission, H.E. Mr. Petros Doukas, Under-secretary of Treasury, H.E. Mr. Anastasios Nerantzis, Under-secretary of Ministry of Transport and Communication, H.E. Mr. Dimitris Kontos, Secretary-general of the Ministry of Employment, H.E. Mr. George Mergos, Secretary-general of the Ministry of Treasury, H.E. Mr. Kostas Mousouroulis, Secretary General of the Ministry of Development., H.E. Dimitris Kostopoulos, General Secretary of Labour, H.E. Mr. Miltiadis Papaioannou, former Minister, Kostas Katsigiannis, General Director of the National Organization of Tourism, Dimitris Katsikopoulos, Prefecture of Achaia, George Kassimatis, Director of the Bureau of the European Parliament in Greece, H.E. Dr. Giorgos Manouris, Environmental Director of the Ministry of Environment and Public Works, Spyros Papaspuros, President of A.D.E.D.Y., H.E. Mr. Kostas Tsoutsoplidis, Secretary-general of the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection.

Deputies: Giorgos Kontogiannis, Nea Dimokratia, Kostas Spiliopoulos, PA.SO.K., Kostas Spartinos, Representative of SY.RIZ.A., Makis Voridis, LA.O.S., Kuriakos Mitsotakis, Nea Dimokratia, Ilias Kallioras, Nea Dimokratia, Nikos Nikolopoulos, Nea Dimokratia, Natassa Ragiou, Nea Dimokratia, Theofilos Vasileiou, Nea Dimokratia, Panagiotis Adraktas, Nea Dimokratia, Meletis Meletopoulos, Representative of the Democratic Party, Prof. of Geology Dr. Sotiris Varnavas, Prof.of Chemical Engineers Dr. John Ziomas, Prof. of Transporation Dr. John Golias, Prof. of Computer Engineers Vassilis Makios, Prof. Petros Groumbos, President of Patras Science Park, Prof. of Computers Dr. Pavlos Spirakis, Dr. Evaggelos Baltas, Dr. Vassilis Pappas, Architect, Dr. Haris Apostolopoulos, Aerospace Engineer, Dr. John Kalavrouziotis, Professor of Environment, Dr. Stavros Tsetsis, Architect-Urban Planner, Dr. George Manouris, Ministry of Public Works and Environment, Dr. Thanassis Papadaskalopoulos, President of Panteion Institute, Dr. Emmanouel Bexrakis, President IFGL-Greek Center Alexandros Panagopoulos President Superfast Ferries, John Taloumis, President 3NET, John Kelemenis, lawyer, Dimitris Pelekis, Lawyer, Thanos Mikroutsikos, President Patras 2006, Stamatis Mavros, President of Organisation of Hellenic Culture, Thanassis Kosmopoulos, Governor of Daphni Mental Hospital, Christos Roilos, CEO Patras 2006, Sotiris Mamassis CEO Patras Port Authority, Prof. Nikos Baltas, President of OSE TRAINS, Dr. Dimitris Vagenas, Dr. Dionissis Chionis President, of PROASTIAKOS TRAIN, Dr. Nikos Yiannis, President Evropaiki Ekfrasi, Fokion Aggelopoulos Manager MICROSOFT Hellas, Manolis Troulis, Ministry of Mercantile Marine, Dionyssis Massalas, Journalist ERT, Tassos Papadopulos, Journalist, Fanis Zouropoulos Publisher and Journalist, Andreas Thanassoulias v. Mayor of Aegion etc

Mayors from local municipalities such as Patras, Rion, Nafpaktos, Aigion, Kalavryta, Aigeira and Antirion actively participate at the conference as well as the local Prefectures. The local Chambers of Commerce and Industry participate and express their comments, concerns and ideas. Several NGO’s have also participated such as Evroipaiki Ekfrasi etc.



During the conference’s (8) years existence, local media have covered the event with extensive coverage via various T.V. channels and press.
Corporate Sponsorship includes: 3NET SA, ALPHA BANK – AXONAS S.A., GEFURA S.A. - FRIGOGLASS – SHELL GAS – ????? S.A. – AUDI – SIMPLESOFT- Superfast Ferries- O.T.E. S.A.- A.S. PARPAROUSSIS, Vintner – RWA - Dafyll Hellas, Patras Port Authority (O.L.P.A.), Coca Cola 3E – Honeybee – SK pools- FRIESLAND HELLAS - Kelemenis & Partners- Region of Western Greece.


For further information, please contact and/or Ms. Katerina Mamoli at iForce Communications.

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